Discover the gorges of the Herault
Welcome to the Roc’N River outdoor sports base camp in the Cevennes. From here you can canoe down the Herault river, discover canyons scramble up the via-ferrets, climb vertical rock walls, or practice balance on a slackline.
▶ Practice outdoor activities with our professional guides
▶ Rent gear and do it on your own: canoë, paddle, kit via-ferrata and slackline.
▶ Book by phone: +33658941407 or send an email: contact@rocnriver.fr
▶ We accecpt paiement with CB or cash.
▶ From Jully to August, the Roc’N River team is available everyday from 9am to 7pm to assist you.
▶ From April to June and September, we are open everyday only with booking.
Outdoor sports in the Cevennes national park
Discover the Herault river
- Three canoë and kayak courses beetwen Ganges and Aubanel
- Do it on your own or book a profesionnal guide
Diving, jumping, sliding, swiming …
- The Devils’canyon at Saint-guilhem le Désert, the Orgon waterfalls, the Tine and Tapoul canyons.
- Supervised by our best monitors.
Walking on the cliff …
- Two great choice: the via-ferrata of the Thaurac (Ganges) and Saint-Sériès.
- With our professional climbing guides.
- Rent gears and do it by your own.
Climbing on the cliff around Montpellier
- A great and famous place for sport climbing !
- Our climbing guide will monitor you
Slowly paddle on the Herault river
- We rent Paddle at the base and you directly go paddelling on the Herault river
Begin the slackline, waterline and highline
- Try freely the slackline at the Roc’N River base
- We rent gears for waterline and highline.
Roc’N river is an outdoors basecamp in the south of France
Roc’N River is a recreation center who’s goal is to provide access to some of the best outdoor activities the Herault region has to offer.Share and discover fantastic activities such as canoe-kayak, canyoning, climbing, via-ferrata, slackline and stand-up paddle.
Roc’N River organise sport and artistical events during the summer season ! Stay tunned on our blog and Facebook !
The Herault offers many beautiful natural sites that are close to our basecamp. These include the Demoiselle cave, the Hérault valley, the Buège valley, the mountain “Pic Saint-Loup” and the Cévennes mountain range. For more information contact the tourism office in Ganges.
The Roc’N river team wish you a pleasant stay in the Hérault gorge !

On our partners page, we recommend few guide offices to discover canyoning, climbing, via-ferrata and organize some trekking in the Cévennes and Pyrénées area.

The dragonfly …
La libellule est l’emblème de Roc’N River. C’est un insecte volant à la fois aquatique et terrestre. Léger, élégant, vif, observateur et silencieux, il reflète à merveille les activités sportives pratiquées à Roc’N River.
Sur le fil de l’eau nous naviguons en canoë, plongeons au fond des canyons et glissons en paddle à la surface de l’eau.
Dans les airs nous explorons les falaises par la via-ferrata, défions la gravité en escaladant des parois verticales et planons avec légèreté en slackline à la surface de l’eau et de la terre.
Last news
- Hello !
Let’s go for the summer season 2021! Roc’N river welcomes you at the base located at Saint-Bauzille de Putois towards Ganges.
We are open from 9:30 am to 7 pm! The base has been developed: a larger reception, a shaded pergola, a small vegetable garden, and much more!
The program of the season:
- First Canoe with the descent of the Hérault gorges from Gange!
- Canyoning in the gorges of Saint Guilhem le Desert and the Orgons waterfalls
- The Thaurac via-ferrata, with two options: the integral or the giant swing jump!
- Climbing in the gorges of the Hérault for beginner or expert!
- Paddle on the pretty and vast water field located next to the base!
- slackline to try at the base (free price)
Book by phone at 0658941407 or contact us by email at contact@rocnriver.fr. See you at the Roc’N River base !
L’accueil de la base de loisir Roc’N River - Welcome on the brand new Roc’N River website
Here is the brand new Roc’N River website! This website presents the structure, the offered outdoor activities and the organized events ! We hope that navigation on this website will be pleasant both on computers and on smartphones!
At the leisure base, we are currently organizing the summer season 2021! This summer, the outdoor activities will be:
- Canoe and kayak in the gorge of the river Hérault;
- Canyoning in the Cévenne and the Hérault gorges;
- The Via-ferrata of the Thaurac;
- Climbing on the great spot of the Hérault gorge
- Paddle on the river next to the base
- Slackline at the base
Plan a session now ! Just contact us by phone 🙂
From the June 15 we will welcome you at the base camp all day long !
See you soon !
The Roc’N River team 🙂