How to contact Roc’N River and book a trip ?
Thi is best ways to contact the Roc’N River (rock and river) outdoor sport basecamp:
Phone : +336 58 94 14 07
For booking or informations, please contact us by phone or email. We will answer very quickly.
For people with motor disability, you could contact us to better organize and adapt the activity if needed.
In case of bad meteorological conditions, Roc’N River could cancel the activities. In that case, Roc’N River will refund or postpone the activity depending the customer needs.
Where are we ?
Roc’N River base is located at the end the village of Saint Bauzille de Putois when driving toward Ganges. Our address is as follow:
Roc’N River, 11 Avenue du chemin neuf, 34190 Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois
Who are we ?
Located at Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois, in the depth of the Hérault Valley and next to the Cévenne National Park, Roc’N River base offer a great opportunity to discover the area. Doing canoe, stand up paddle, via-ferrata, climbing, canyoning and slackline, ours monitor are devoted, share theirs passions and do theirs best for having a pleasant day.
Our base is a really nice place to rest next to the river. You will find a leisure space, a picnic area and shade.

She is a nurse and a high-level highliner. Marie-Amélie welcome you at the base.

Nicolas is a canyoning, via-ferrata and climbing guide. Nicolas is fascinated by the nature and practice outdoor sports since its youngest age.

Max is passionate about climbing and is also a hydrologist. In that way, Max keeps both feet in the water and hands on the rock.
Technically, what is Roc’N river ?
Roc’N river is an SAS (Société à Actions Simplifiés), capital 5000 Euros.
Headquarter: Roc’N River, 11 Avenue du chemin neuf, 34190 Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois
SIRET: 88463972500016, APE code: 9329Z